
Original Title

Date of publication
2008 Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Wien

Italian (Danza macabra 2008, Edizioni e/o), Spanish (La Danza de la Muerte, 2008, Siruela), French (La danse de la mort, 2010, Seuil)

Wealth produces waste. What to do with it? The answer comes from a little company specialised in waste disposal which has its headquarters in the embassy of a small unknown country in Eastern Europe. Waste makes money, most of all if it is possible to use the law at own’s one benefit. The case arrives on Commissario Laurenti’s desk when in that company’s office a young lady is found beaten to death. During the investigation Laurenti discovers several high profile crimes, but still cannot believe that his sworn enemy, Viktor Drakič, is back in town. Drakič’s only aim is revenge.

Veit Heinichen screenplays a danse macabre in which Commissario Laurenti will have to fight to survive.

"Veit Heinichen hat eine feine Nase dafür, wenn etwas nicht stimmt"
Michael Huber - Kurier
"Wer Europa selbst als Krimitext zu lesen bereit ist, kommt auf seine Kosten. Die neuen Realitäten können nicht mehr negiert werden: Wenn die Ränder ausfransen, dann ist bald auch das Zentrum betroffen."
Walter Grünzweig - Der Standard
"Entre ce lieu étrange et polymorphe, tous est possible"
Revue Alibis
"Danza Macabra è un poliziesco con tutti i crismi della suspence, ma anche un caleidoscopio triestino in giallo.
Heinichen non lesina sui colpi di scena,ma sempre facendosi apprezzare per l'abilità, oseremmo dire gastronomica, della sua scrittura e per l'ironia con cui descrive la città, i suoi abitanti e persino lo svolgersi delle indagini, in cui può capitare che un arma del delitto possa essere alquanto originale"
Alessandro Mezzena Lona - Il Piccolo

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